
Resources to help equip you

Sermon Notes Template

Print Me

We’ve always got you on our mind. Print at home and fill out during each Sunday Service to help keep you focused, and so you always have something to refer back to when you need!

Screenshot Me

Instagram Stories

All about social media? Screenshot our Instagram Story sermon notes template and fill out during Sunday Service.

Share to your Instagram Stories once completed, don’t forget to tag us @rol_church!

Instagram/Facebook Post

All about social media? Screenshot our Social Media post sermon notes template and fill out during Sunday Service.

Share to your Instagram or Facebook feed once completed, don’t forget to tag us:

Instagram: @rol_church

Facebook: @ROL.RescuingHearts

Faith Kidz!

Saturday Morning with Faith Kidz.

We’ve got your kidz covered while we can’t meet with them on Sunday mornings! They’ll get to have fun, join in on interactive activities, and most importantly, learn about Jesus- every Saturday morning at 10am on Youtube.

Check out @faith_kidz on IG for more info or click the link below to watch!